This is fun while staying online on Facebook. Earn dollars $ by performing task and then payed the next business day. Earnings depends on the tasked you've work for. I just discovered this
Cloudcrowd thing recently which I dont pay so much attention on it. When I got bored, I worked, I think 2-3 works per bored time.And my earnings wont that big because I usually prefer to work with those simple ones, easy work you will be payed less, but when your familiar on writing and editing so much money to earn per approved work. Even you work for the easy one as long your always eager to work after each so by the end of the day you may earn 5-10$ or higher depends on the time of completion task. If you dont feel like working, and just sitting idle on your pc all you love to do, you can sign up for Cloudcrowd
here and
start earning money by refering this to your friend who you think might be interested in this kind of hassle free online work. When your referred friend register on Cloudcrowd and start earning money youve got a share on their earnings.
Here you can see the per referral earning you got. You dont need to be a worker to earn dollars just by referring you can earn one.

- Facebook account
- Verified Paypal Account
* if you dont have Paypal account click
here and register.
Follow this steps to get your
Cloudcrowd account and start earning money now.
1. Be sure to have a
Facebook acount because Cloudcrowd is Facebook based platform.
2. Register to
Paypal this is where Cloudcrowd earnings kept momentarily.
Helpful Topics for new Cloudcrowd members
*How to promote Cloudcrowd for more referal click
*What is Cloudcrowd?
- If your new to Cloudcrowd, please read
this first and foremost. It is very very important.
- Im sure Cloudcrowd is hard to understand when first time on it, please read instructions carefully, understand them, and if your doubts still bothering you please consult MR. Google and his willing to help you. just type Cloudcrowd + "how to" or "state your questions" or comment below Im not directly connected to Cloudcrowd but I am willing to help you.
-When performing task, please be patients. as they say "Patience is a virtue."
-Self discipline plays important role here, if you think you cant do the available task, skip!
-Every tasked has instructions on how to do it properly you can found above on every task.
-Read and understands instructions carefully.
-Written and video tutorials is available just find it first before hand.
-There is a practice work available for you to familiarize the categories your interested to work for.
Goodluck and have fun!
and every day, deliver more than you are getting paid to do. The
victory of success will be half won when you learn the secret of putting
out more than is expected in all that you do. Make yourself so valuable
in your work that eventually you will become indispensable. Exercise
your privilege to go the extra mile, and enjoy all the rewards you receive. You deserve them!”